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Terms and Conditions

Monthly Account Facilities are available to bona fide customers of Metro Repro Ltd on completion of an application form and acceptable credit references and on the acceptance that a minimum invoice value of £100 per month may be applied. Invoices may be submitted electronically.

Unless otherwise agreed, any provision of credit facilities is made on the condition that payment is made by the 30th day after the date of delivery of the invoice. Which shall be deemed to be 2 working days after the date of invoice. Any discounts or special prices are given on the understanding that invoices are settled within our credit terms. Any queries regarding an invoice must be submitted in writing or by email within 28 days of the invoice date.

Metro Repro Ltd reserves the right to re-invoice at the full list price if our payment terms are not met and also to withdraw credit facilities immediately if this condition is not complied with. Interest may be charged at 2% per month on accounts not settled within our terms of payment.

Where payment is made by cheque Metro Repro Ltd shall not be deemed to have received payment until the cheque has cleared.

The customer shall pay on an indemnity basis all fees and disbursements incurred by us in relation or incidental to the collection of overdue payments.

All prices listed or quoted are exclusive of VAT which will be added at the current rate at the time of invoicing. All invoice queries must be notified to the company within 28 days of the invoice date. Prices charged are based on the size of the finished prints. All intermediate sizes will be charged at the next highest size.

The listed prices are minimum charges for straight forward work. We reserve the right to levy surcharges on our list prices with or without prior warning to customers for work that entails overtime, special deadlines and work that involves special handling and attention. It may not be possible to warn customers of the necessary to levy a surcharge or to quantify the charges prior to the execution of the work.

Whilst every care is taken with customers origination, all customer originals (in whatever form) are accepted for copying (by whatever method) on the basis that their value does not exceed the current cost of the material itself, and liability for costs or expenses incurred as a result of loss, damage, delay or any other reason is limited to the replacement of the material itself and no other liability will be accepted for loss, damage consequential or otherwise however caused.

We advise that customers should exercise every care in protection of their own originals during transit and should affect their own insurance cover for loss and damage to originals of high value. All service times and delivery dates quoted are from the receipt of the job in our premises, during our stated working hours, and are given in good faith. They do not form part of any contract. We shall not be liable for any loss to the customer or for any third party claim in either case whether any claim is for consequential loss or any other kind of loss caused by the delay in completing the work or in transit.

The responsibility for the reproduction of copyright materials rest with the customer. Ordnance survey maps are crown copyright and any reproductions of such maps are crown copyright and any reproductions of such maps (or any part thereof) are subject to royalty payment to the Director General of the ordnance survey irrespective of whether the customer holds a licence from the ordnance survey to reproduce by any means on his own premises. The customer shall indemnify us against all costs, claims or demands or expenses arising out of any infringement of any copyright whether such infringement by primary or secondary.

Material supplied by the customer can be printed on at the customers own risk. No liability can be taken for wasted material. No liability can be accepted for damage caused during trimming, folding and finishing where no reproduction has taken place.

We reserve the right to sub-contract any work whether or not there has been any consultation in respect of sub-contracting with the customer.

Title to any and all goods supplied shall remain vested in Metro Repro Ltd and shall not pass to the customer until the purchase price for the goods has been paid in full and received by Metro Repro Ltd.

Until title to the goods passes:

1. Metro Repro Ltd shall have authority to retake, sell or otherwise deal with and/or dispose of all or any part of the goods.

2. Metro Repro Ltd and its agents and employees shall be entitled at any time and without the need to give notice enter upon any property upon which the goods or any part are stored, or upon which the customer reasonably believes them to be kept;

3. The customer shall store or mark the goods in a manner reasonably satisfactory to Metro Repro Ltd indicating that title to the goods remains vested in Metro Repro Ltd.

4. The customer shall insure the goods to their full replacement value, and arrange for Metro Repro Ltd to be noted on the policy of insurance as the loss payee.

Irrespective of whether title to the goods remains vested in Metro Repro Ltd risk in the goods shall pass to the customer upon delivery.

We reserve the right to alter our terms and conditions from time to time, the latest version of our terms are available on our web site www.metrorepro.co.uk and shall be deemed to be the terms and conditions at the time an order is submitted.

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Our Products

Booklet and Brochure Printing

Business Card Printing

CAD Plotting and Plan Printing

Canvas Printing

Leaflet and Flyer Printing

Mounting and Laminating

Poster Printing

Roller Banner Stand Printing

Sticker and Label Printing

Document and Plan Scanning

Document and Report Printing

Presentation and Display Board Printing

Postcard Printing


Order of Service Printing

Menu Printing

Business Printing Services

Custom Printed Tab Dividers

Document and Dissertation Binding

Legal Profession Copying and Scanning

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