Which binding type is right for you?

There are several considerations to make when deciding on the most appropriate binding for your project, from the purpose of your document, how many pages you have to your budget, at Metro Repro we offer several different binding types to ensure that we can satisfy your needs.


Possibly the most well-known option, stapling allows you to collate pages together. We have all used stapling to bind, but we know that staples can come out, pages can rip easily, and there are serious limitations on how many pages you can staple together. For projects that will frequently be used stapling is not the best option.

Saddle Stitching

 Saddle stitching is a popular choice for the budget conscious. This method involves punching wire through the outside spine and then flattening it down on the inside to grip all of the pages together. This may be a popular choice but does not hold up well against daily use or frequent handling.

Perfect Binding

Perfect binding is used for a variety of projects, from books and magazines to dissertations and manuals. All of the pages, including the cover, are glued together at the spine. At Metro Repro, we use the latest PUR glue which is the most durable, flexible binding glue available. As with most binding methods, perfect binding has its limitations, with the maximum dimensions of spine thickness and spine length at 40mm and 340mm respectively.

Thermal Tape

Thermal tape is similar to perfect binding, but a thermoplastic adhesive strip is used to bind the pages rather than glue. This method is most commonly seen on books and allows the book to open to near flat. Acetate or card can be used for the front, and back covers and this method allows you to bind up to 350 pages.

Comb Binding

Comb binding is a more durable form of binding. Rectangular (rather than round) holes are punched into the side of the document; plastic combs are then threaded through the holes. It is a lightweight solution that allows you to lay your document flat. You can also easily add pages when necessary. To avoid putting too much stress on the binding, we would recommend a maximum document thickness of 51mm. At Metro Repro, we offer a range of colours and cover options to suit your requirements.

Wire Binding 

Wire binding gives your documents 360° flexibility and has more flexibility with document size too; we can bind A3 or A2 documents. Wire binding is a permanent choice so is a great choice for portfolios, dissertations or reports. Again, there are some limitations, and wire binding is appropriate for documents with a maximum thickness of 38mm.

It’s clear that there are several options available when it comes to document binding and the team at Metro Repro can help you to make the right decision! If you’re in a rush then don’t worry, we can bind your documents while you wait and don’t forget that we offer document printing too. Contact our team on 0191 261 1320, use our contact form or email print@metrorepro.co.uk.

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