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A banner can make your business stand out

Be it an exhibition, a trade show or an in-store event; a banner can be a hugely effective piece of marketing, for a banner to work it must deliver all of the necessary information but with an impact. The advantage of a banner is that you can take your message national, or even global! Banners can be easy to transport, meaning that you can take them to any event, which is why it is important to ensure your banner represents your business. So, how do you get your banner to stand out?

Your logo

Your logo makes your company recognisable at a glance. Look at companies like Apple or Coca Cola, their logo represents their brand and their mission. As your business begins to grow, your logo will play a major part in your business’s success. It should take pride of place at the top of your banner alongside your company message. Ensure that it can be seen from a distance and is visible at eye level to grab the attention of passersby.

Go with the flow

Consider how you would read a banner – from left to right, top to bottom. That being said, you don’t want a banner to be crammed full of words, no one wants to read an essay. More information can be given by the sales team or a business brochure. A banner should be used to attract customers, either because of a specific product or offer.


If you decide to include images on your banner, ensure they represent your business. Using poor quality images reflects on your business; always opt for high quality images especially if they are of your products. Real images always go down better with customers compared to stock images, try to build up a library of suitable images that you are able to use across all of your marketing materials. If you are unsure on what constitutes a high quality image, then contact Metro Repro! We are more than happy to advise you before you go to print.


Don’t be afraid to use colour, it can be a great way to stand out. Choose colours from your colour palette though; ensure that it links back to your business so that you can present a cohesive message. Don’t let your love of colour detract from your images or text; it should complement your information.

Contact details

Probably some of the most important information that you can include on your banner, your customers will be looking for a way to get in touch with you. Having your contact details on your banner is a great way to get around the problem of not being able to talk to every person that crosses your path at an exhibition or trade show.  Include your website, contact number and email address and your social platforms too. A lot of clients will be on their mobile phones throughout the day and it is easy for them to just add you on Facebook or follow you on Twitter.

At Metro Repro, we know how important it is to stand out from the crowd. We use the latest technology to achieve a high quality finish. Our colour management systems are approved by both Adobe and Pantone ensuring that we produce a true colour. If you want to find out how we can help you, contact our team on 0191 261 1320, use our contact form or email print@metrorepro.co.uk.

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Booklet and Brochure Printing

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