How to avoid dissertation procrastination.

Here at Metro Repro we recognise that there is a lot of stress involved in writing your dissertation. Add in additional stresses and distractions from the outside world and it can be a very difficult time.

We at Metro Repro wanted to help by giving you a few handy tips to try and avoid the social media/TV/internet distractions and maintain your dissertation focus.

  • Make a smart to-do list: We all know what a to-do list is but why not make a list that only includes the items that you are avoiding, don’t include the tasks that you know you will do anyway. Once you’ve done this, set some deadlines – you’ll be a lot more work effective.
  • Refrain from checking emails/texts/social media and turn off your phone. If you think that turning your phone off is too much, why not try rewarding yourself with 10 minutes of phone time for every hour of work.
  • Do the hardest or most important tasks first: it is scientifically proven that we are most alert at around 10am, after that we begin to feel tired and our energy levels dip, it makes more sense to get the most important sections of your writing out of the way at the beginning of the day.
  • Focus on the end goal: Just think of all the free time that you will have to relax once you have completed your dissertation. Focus on this end goal and not the amount of work that you have to do.
  • Most importantly, take a break! If you are having trouble focussing, set a timer for 20 minutes and take a nap, call a friend, watch TV; whatever it is that you do to relax. Once time is up, go back to work. You will feel more refreshed and find it easier to focus.

One thing for certain is no matter how stressful writing your dissertation is, you will always need the finished document to be beautifully printed and bound.

Metro Repro offer a while you wait service with a variety of choices for paper and binding. Our pricing structure for student printing recognises the need for an affordable yet high quality print service – with no hidden fees.

Staying open late on evenings and weekends to make sure that you meet your deadlines, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your printing needs. Call us on 0191 261 1320 or drop us an email

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